THEMA expands service portfolio to South-eastern Europe and Balkans

South-eastern Europe is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels but is in a favourable position to perform a smart transition by tapping high potentials for renewable energy generation. Ambitious policy targets, new support regimes and low LCoE for wind and solar PV make the region an interest target for investors and developers.

Sørøst-Europa, Balkan

Shifting away from old and emission-intensive energy sources in South-eastern Europe (SEE) is tantamount to achieving the EU’s climate ambitions. With Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece being part of the EU and the Western Balkan countries aspiring to become Member States, the region’s opportunities and challenges have to be well understood to manage the tasks of the energy transition. As part of the Energy Community – an association of the EU and neighbouring countries to collaborate on energy topics – Western Balkan countries are expected to prepare draft National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) by mid-2023 to present in detail how they plan to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

Almost a decade ago, THEMA first ventured into the Balkan region and collaborated with the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje to assist the North Macedonia’s regulator in the implementation of the EU’s third energy package and model the Western Balkan power market. Already then, it was important not to focus on just one country, but to understand the region as a whole. Its historical ties have led to comparatively advanced trade between power markets, although a strong divergence in how far countries have progressed in liberalisation and unbundling remains

In several projects over the last years, THEMA has significantly expanded its knowledge about the region, its opportunities and challenges. We have now added the countries as well as the rest of SEE to our standard service portfolio.

THEMA now offers insights into both regulatory developments and market developments in the region. Our integrated modelling approach for power and hydrogen markets until 2050 in the SEE region and the rest of Europe provides valuable insights on future developments. Please reach out to THEMA for further details.

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