THEMA web portal

THEMA's web portal gives you easy access to THEMA's Market Outlook and the underlying data. The data includes both the outputs from the market simulations as well as the underlying assumptions. Through the portal, you can analyse and visualise data from our Power Market Outlook, the Hydrogen Outlook, the Technology Outlook and the Green Values Report.

Easy access to our analysis and power market data

The portal enables you to interactively analyse the latest data available and provides access to THEMA’s detailed data on both the power sector and related markets.

The portal is available to subscribers of our market reports. For customers purchasing individual editions of the market report, we can arrange trial access to the portal.

The web portal allows you to:

  • Download both reports and Excel workbooks, including earlier releases for the regions and topics covered by your subscription.

  • Dive deep into specific countries. By clicking on the map, you can get detailed data on the specific country (at bidding zone level) and visualise average prices, capture prices, the generation mix and more, both for current and previous editions.

  • Download data automatically via an API. You can also access detailed documentation and sample Python scripts.

  • Access THEMA’s Hydrogen Outlook, allowing you to examine scenarios for hydrogen sourcing, hydrogen demand, expected CAPEX and OPEX developments for green hydrogen production and the implications for production costs.

  • Analyse our cost and capacity data for renewable technologies in Europe (for subscribers to the Technology Outlook). 

  • Compare data across editions, countries, scenarios and technologies using the intuitive analysis dashboard.

  • Obtain a price estimate for PPAs based on THEMA’s Market Outlook for European power markets.

market outlook

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Get access to the portal

The portal is available to subscribers of our market reports and can be accessed here.

For those purchasing a one-off market report, please contact us to arrange a test account for the web portal.