THEMA and Itera has now launched the fifth edition of Market Report Electricity

High electricity prices and an increasing focus on consumer flexibility are placing new demands on the electricity retail companies. We think the electricity crisis creates new opportunities for the retailers. The winners of the future are making the right strategic choices now.

Markedsrapport Strøm

When we published the previous edition of the outlook in the beginning of March, we wrote that the demanding situation in the electricity market also offers opportunities. Over the past six months, this picture has become even clearer. Both the challenges and the opportunities have increased. The demanding market situation creates both challenges and opportunities for several of the players in the market. On one hand, low margins and possible new regulations linked to fixed price agreements have led to great uncertainty about the liquidity situation of several of the electricity retailers. On the other hand, we see that high power prices are a driver for technology development. The companies that manage to create good diversification strategies and offer additional services for energy efficiency that make it easy for the customer to make smart choices are the ones that will win in the market.

The Electricity market outlook summarizes the most important developments in the Norwegian electricity sales market. In addition to a separate chapter dedicated to energy efficiency where we present an overview of players and services in the market, the report contains the regular chapters on developments in the market, power agreements, products and services, regulations and frenemies. New for this report is also an overview of four different market scenarios, where trends and value propositions are described based on the rate of innovation and power prices. The aim of the report is to establish a good overview of the market situation and future trends, which can be used to understand how the opportunities that arise can be exploited to create increased value.

For more information about the report, please contact Christoffer Noreng

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