Kristine Fiksen



    Education: MSc in Industrial economics and technology management (NTNU)

    I work mainly with issues related to the distribution network and energy end-use. One interesting question related to this work is whether and how electricity consumption can adapt to the needs of the power system if consumers are exposed to incentives and energy prices, i.e. demand flexibility or demand response.

    I work extensively with the design of grid regulation and grid tariffs in the future electricity system. I also work with the transport sector and how greenhouse gas emissions from transportation can be reduced through the introduction of new technology and more climate-friendly energy sources. The transport sector shares many characteristics with the electricity sector: extensive infrastructure, public ownership and an ongoing transformation due, among other things, to digitalisation and changes in consumer behaviour.

    I have broad interests and want my work to be important to society as a whole and in shaping our future. We need to achieve a renewable society while at the same time ending the economy’s dependence on oil revenues. It is a privilege to work with a host of issues that focus on long-term sustainability and efficiency. Everyone who works at THEMA is very knowledgeable and curious, something that is a source of inspiration in every project and during each workday. The breadth and depth of the knowledge represented give me confidence that the results of our project work are good and well-founded across a range of disciplines and work areas.

    Prior experience: ECON/Pöyry, Akershus Energi, Enio, and Scandinavia Online, Schibsted Media Group

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    Kristine Fiksen