THEMA web portal update: Hydrogen Outlook and Technology Outlook

We extend the functionality of the THEMA web portal with a Hydrogen Outlook and Technology Outlook. Together with our Market Outlooks, PDF reports and standard Excel files with assumptions and results, this provides a holistic analysis of Europe’s energy future towards 2055.

The THEMA web portal allows you to visualize and analyze the data from our market reports and access data through our API. On the portal, we have now launched our new Hydrogen Outlook, providing a comprehensive overview of hydrogen productions costs, together with projected hydrogen supply and demand. The Hydrogen Outlook covers major European countries across THEMA’s three standard scenarios. The data is derived from our simulations for the future European power sector, where the hydrogen sector is represented in detail and where we account for sector coupling between the power sector and the hydrogen sector. Cost data for hydrogen is consistent with data published as part of our report “Technologies for the Energy Transition – Trends and Insights”.

Furthermore, we have added a technology section where we have visualized our outlook for technology costs and deployment volumes for solar PV and wind, divided into onshore, offshore bottom-fixed and offshore floating.

In the download section of our web portal, you can still download pdf-versions of the technology and power market reports, as well as standard Excel files with assumptions and results.

For a demo or further information about our web portal, please get in touch.

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