Enabling green power procurement: THEMA joins dena initiative

Germany aims to cover 80% of its electricity demand from renewable sources by 2030. But electricity users struggle with the volatility of power prices and of wind and solar power in general. Dena´s “Marktoffensive Erneuerbare Energien” gives handy advice on how to purchase green power. THEMA is now a member of this initiative.

Enabling green power procurement: THEMA joins dena initiative

The collaboration between power sector consultancies and platforms that facilitate the direct purchase of green electricity is the need of the hour. In June 2023, THEMA joined the Marktoffensive Erneuerbare Energien, an initiative by Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) also known as the German Energy Agency. The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), and the Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e.V. (Climate protection companies) also support the initiative.

The Marktoffensive Erneuerbare Energien or the Renewable Energies Market Initiative is a platform to support energy producers, consumers and all associated market players in strengthening their demand-driven business models, developing new markets, and facilitating direct green power and energy procurement.

For instance, on its annual gathering on October 19, politicians and practicians discussed how to make PPAs available also for small and medium-sized companies. Participants ranged from RES project developers over large utilities to small-scale factories and the famed German “Mittelstand”.

Dena has identified several factors hindering the renewable energy expansion to the private sector: inadequate experience of green business models, complex contractual agreements, and uncertainty subject to future legal frameworks. As there was no organization picking up these threads and solving these challenges for German businesses, dena created its Marktoffensive platform.

Green Power Procurement and Corporate Green Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are the current focal areas of the platform. There are also plans to expand into green hydrogen and green heating process initiatives. THEMA will be participating in 4 out of the 5 specialist working groups: Financing and Risk Hedging, Guarantees of Origin, Demand-driven Business Models, and Contracting.

With this membership, THEMA will receive exclusive access to the platform dialogues. Knowledge sharing is one of the core principles of this platforms. To support this principle, THEMA, will be presenting it’s market models and sharing best practice projects in the dena Central Information portal, as well as creating reports to be distributed on the communication channels of dena, DIHK and Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e.V.

With the ambitious 2030 climate targets of Germany, the THEMA-dena partnership will contribute to further investments in the development of renewable energy and be a step forward in reaching Germany´s full renewable energy potential.

More information about the dena Marketoffensive Erneuerbare Energien can be found here:

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